Wednesday 12 October 2011

Coca Cola 125th Anniversary- Setting the industry milestone

The huge multinational drinks conglomerate, Coca Cola celebrated its 125th Anniversary this year, and showed the drinks industry why it is still a market leader globally. As part of its anniversary promos it released around 12 promotional items, ranging from expensive high end gifts to freebies. All of these gifts are available on the Coca Cola website for customers to browse through:

Some promotional products such as the Coca Cola book and the Crystal Coca Cola bottle seem very expensive and are obviously aimed at the high end consumers, or maybe given out as corporate gifts to some of the companies larger clients.

These products show us how not only can celebrating your corporate anniversary give you free advertising and brand awareness, it can also make you money!

The other interesting promotional product here is the conjunction of the company and some major board game brands. This is a very good way of promoting your anniversary, as you now have the brand identity of two firms promoting your corporate birthday!

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