Friday 16 September 2016

26th Anniversary Promo Gifts from Brass Horn

The Brass Horn is a local shop in Decatur, Illinois that only serves the male populace with their tailored and high-quality suits. This is one of the few remaining stores in the United States that has not been enticed to modernize their products or create clothing pieces that can be worn by women. Nevertheless, sticking to the basics seems to be working great for the company, because they are now commemorating their 26th year with freebies such as gift cards, promotional shirts, and a branded golf bag.

Candid Points of These Giveaways
  • Customizable Products. The golf bag shown above has been left as is by The Brass Horn, but if you wish to send off a similar item, you can embroider or print your own logo on it. The T-shirt and the gift card can also be personalized with the brand name and/or slogan that your company is known for.
  • Upholding Brand Value. The promo gift card and shirt kind of invite the younger crowd to try their suits, while the golf bag appeals to older men who like to play the sport. These things help the brand uphold their status and visibility.

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