Friday 1 April 2016

5th Year Anniversary of UnPickled's Sobriety

UnPickled is the title of the blog that Jean created 5 years ago, and there is no other title that will do justice for the truths she reveals in every content that goes up on her website about how she has stayed sober after a long bout of secret alcohol addiction. She is the UnPickled, and UnPickled is her. She is doing this with the end goal of helping other people who suffer from alcoholism snuff it out of their system sooner rather than later.

Last March 20th, UnPickled's 5th year anniversary of sobriety was celebrated. Not with a huge party full of loud music and booze, but with giveaways that will remind everyone to remain sober at all times.

5th Year Anniversary of UnPickled's Sobriety 

Unreserved Advantages for UnPickled
Her followers are those who are going through the issue, have gone through it, or have loved ones who they want to help by reading tips and advices from UnPickled. So, having any of these free items will act like their personal statement that no alcoholic beverage has entered their bloodstream in a long while. For the brand, on the other hand, it will mean a wider spread of brand awareness. Maybe there will even be a bit of increase in the profit, for when the giveaway time is over and people still want the items, they can purchase their at the UnPickled online shop.

Let us point out as well that the placing of the brand name is dead center, and there are no other designs around it that will compete for the attention of whoever is looking at it. Apart from that, the giveaways consist of playing cards, note cards and mirrors, but there are undergarments and tank tops too, which perhaps aim to represent the blog’s aim of making people feel good about their inner selves enough to win over their drinking habit.

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